You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.4. POINT OF SALE Menu: Transaction Processing > 4.4.3. Point of Sale - Docket Creation > Docket Creation Overview

Docket Creation Overview

All docket creation and maintenance for normal cash sales, new customers and account customers begins with the Enter Transaction screen. You also use this screen to enter quotes, laybys, gift voucher purchases and payments (including by gift voucher).

To create and maintain dockets, laybys and quotes, you need to complete these steps:

  1. Either:
  1. Add or maintain the items on the docket, layby or quote.

Refer to "Entering the Item Details".

  1. Optionally, edit other details if required.

Refer to "Enter Transaction - Edit Menu Options".

  1. Optionally, enter layby payments or maintain laybys.

Refer to "Enter Transaction - Layby Menu Options".

  1. Manage the completed docket, layby or quote, e.g. process customer payments (including by gift voucher) or finalise a docket.

Refer to "Managing Completed Dockets, Laybys and Quotes".